Meet The ABS-MUNAY, TOO Team
Corporate Governance and Management System – a set of processes that ensure management and control over ABS-МҰНАЙ, ТОО’s activities, as well as a system of relationships between shareholders, the Board of Directors, the Management Board, and stakeholders.

Zhumabekov Talgat Kenesovich
Was born on December 11, 1963 in the city of Kentau, South Kazakhstan region Graduated from the "Kainar" University with a degree in International Economic Relations, the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (Moscow) with a degree in Business Administration From February 26, 2018 to October 26, 2019, he underwent professional retraining at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin and received an Executive Master of Business Administration degree in the Energy Leadership program. Over the years, he headed large commercial structures for the supply and refining of oil: he was the general director of "Gelios" LLP, the general director of the "Fuel Energy Complex of Kazakhstan" LLP; held the positions of Deputy General Director of "Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant" LLP for Economics and Finance, Executive Director of the Oil Refining and Petrochemicals Unit of ABS-МҰНАЙ, ТОО, from September 2009 to November 2017 - General Director of "Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery" LLP, since June 2018 from February 15, 2019, he was Managing Director for Oil Refining of ABS-МҰНАЙ, ТОО" Was born on December 11, 1963 in the city of Kentau, South Kazakhstan region
He is the author of a number of articles and publications on the organization and functioning of commercial settlement at enterprises in a market economy. Danbay Sh.A. conducts a great public work: he is the president of the NGO “Boxing Federation of the Atyrau region”, was the president of the PA “Boxing Federation of the Pavlodar region”, a member of the Bureau of the Political Council of the Pavlodar regional branch of the party “Nur Otan”, a deputy of Pavlodar regional maslikhat of V, VI convocations Awarded with the Medals “Qurmet” and “Parasat”, the Certificate of Honor of the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Certificate of Honor of the Federation of Labor Unions, medals: the Energy Association KAZENERGY, “Kazakhstan Republic Publications Tauelsizdigine 20″,”For merits in the patriotic education of youth”,”Kaiyrymdygyky Ushin SAUAP”, in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Pavlodar region, in honor of the 45th anniversary of LLP” Engineering company “KazGiproNeft-Trans”, “For loyalty to the cause”; badges “For services to the region” and “Kazakstan policemen 25 zhyl”, Honorary resident of Pavlodar city

Amanturlin Zhirshibekovich
Amanturlin Galymzhan Zhurshibekovich was born in 1956 in Guryev. He started his career in 1973 as a mechanic in the trust "Guryevneftehimstroy." Then, two years he served in the Soviet Army. After military service, in 1976 he went to work as an operator of the Guryev refinery. In 1982 he graduated from the All-Union Polytechnic Institute in Moscow with qualification of engineer- chemist-technologist. From 1978 -1981, he worked as a senior operator, head of the catalytic reforming unit, deputy head of the workshop №3, deputy head of production and technical department, head of the workshop №1, chief technologist. As the head of the workshop, then the head of the technical department, he took an active part in development of technical documentation and in production of various types of detergents, antifreeze, demulsifier "Aytrau", frother. Under his leadership, major works , aimed at increasing productivity of ELOU-AT-2 unit on selection of light oil, at stabilization of work of main and auxiliary equipment, at savings of steam, water, and reduction of losses of petroleum products were performed. In 1992 Amanturlin Zhirshibekovich graduated from the Financial and Economic Institute in Moscow, qualification of engineer-economist. In September 1994, he was appointed Chief Engineer - First Deputy General Director of the "Atyrau Refinery" JSC. Since February 1998, he had worked as the director of the department of oil refining - Chief Engineer - Deputy President. 15 July 1999 he was appointed the president of the "Atyrau Refinery". Because of organizational and technical measures under the leadership of Amanturlin Zhirshibekovich in 1994 air coolers HVO- 6, 7, 10 and in 1995 – HVO-3 were installed and put into operation. Start of these coolers allowed to renounce the cumbersome and ineffective submersible coolers, to stabilize the columns K-1 and K-2, to increase the selection of light oil. Because of the need to process Tengiz oil, aftercooler X-1, 2, 3, 4 were installed and put into operation to improve the work of columns K-1 and K-2, which enabled without great difficulties to start processing of Tengiz oil.
After commissioning of the turbine P-6-34-10 in 1999 the refinery got economy about 105 million tenge. In 2000 nitrogen plant for production of gaseous nitrogen was constructed. A great amount of energy Galimzhan Zhirshibekovich gave on expansion of the range of oil products, improvement of their quality. Under his direction, the production of the new product – jet fuel TS-1 was mastered.
Organizational skills allowed Amanturlin Zhirshibekovich to rally the team at the time of transition of the economy to the market relations and to give people confidence in the future. Great attention in his work he paid to social issues of the refinery workers. In 2000 it was commissioned 72-apartment house, and many refinery workers were able to improve their living conditions. It was built a fitness center and restoration of the Palace of Culture, which were later referred to the city was carried out,.
Amanturlin Zhirshibekovich, working as the first head, understood the need for reconstruction of the refinery. The Kazakh side signed a contract “turnkey” for reconstruction of the Atyrau Refinery with the Japanese company “Marubeni Corporation”. Also he took an active part in its implementation.
In the history of the refinery Amanturlin Zhirshibekovich left a memory as an active Rationalizer, inventor, scientist. Working on the engineering positions, he introduced more than 100 innovations. He successfully got his PhD on “Improvement of the technology of oil refining in Western Kazakhstan at the ” Atyrau Refinery ” JSC.
In 2002 Galymzhan Zhirshibekovich was transferred to the ABS-МҰНАЙ, ТОО for the post of the director of the department of oil and gas processing, and then he worked as the managing director.
Now Amanturlin Zhirshibekovich works as the general manager of the ABS-МҰНАЙ, ТОО. Work with our refinery is continued. Now he deals with the implementation of investment projects “Reconstruction of vacuum block of the CDU-AVT-3 and delayed coker unit”,”Construction of the complex for production of aromatic hydrocarbons”, “Construction of the complex of deep oil refining” at the Atyrau Refinery.
In the history of the Atyrau Refinery Amanturlin Zhirshibekovich is a recognized expert – refiner, a professional with a capital letter.
For the fruitful work and great contribution to development of the economy Amanturlin Zhirshibekovich was awarded medals “Eren Enbegі ushіn”, “10 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”

Kadisha Rayana.
Kadisha Rayana was born on August 8, 1963 in Atyrau region. In 1987 she graduated from the Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology on specialty "Chemical technology of oil refining." In 2010 she graduated from the Institute of oil and gas business with qualification "Manager of oil and gas business" on a part-time course. She started her career in 1979 in complex expedition "Mangyshlakneftegazrazvedka" as operator. Then he worked as a mechanic in the oil-gas enterprise . After graduation she worked as the operator of the workshop №3 of the Guryev refinery named after Lenin. From 1987 to 1996 she worked as the head of the unit of the workshop №1, shift supervisor, the head of the trestle, deputy head of the workshop and head of the workshop №4, deputy head of the production department. She organized the manufacturing sector of accounting and realization of petroleum products, and then converted to the department and he was its leader. Through the redeployment in 1996 he was sent to the СJSC "Lukoil AR” as the general director. In July 1996, she was transferred the deputy head of the general directorate of production development of the Ministry of oil and gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From March 1997 to January 2002 he worked at the National company "KazakhOil" as leading specialist of the department of technical policy, a senior expert, manager of the department of production and transportation of oil and gas, head of the management department of the reconstruction project of the "Atyrau Refinery", deputy general manager of the directorate on management of reconstruction project of the "Atyrau Refinery".
From 2001 to August 2007 he worked as the vice president on development – director of the company under construction, vice-president on development, director on capital construction and development, deputy general director on development at the Atyrau refinery.
Since september 2007, she has headed the industrial and engineering and construction services – worked as the first deputy general director – chief engineer. Then she was transferred to the National Company ABS-МҰНАЙ, ТОО the director of the department of marketing analysis, the deputy director of development of oil refining and petrochemistry. From June 2012 she worked as the deputy general director on development of the “Atyrau Refinery” LLP, the first deputy general director on development and modernization. Since July 2, 2013 she has been the general director of the “Atyrau Refinery” LLP.
Kadisha Rayana has an extensive experience in manufacturing and construction work. Under the leadership of Kadisha Rayana since 2008 significant advances have been achieved in the field of production of high-quality petroleum products, the reconstruction of the delayed coker unit and vacuum block of the ELOU-AVT-3 unit has been successfully completed. Prior to his appointment to the post of the general director she directed works on implementation of two investment projects “Construction of the complex for production of aromatic hydrocarbons” and “Construction of the complex of deep oil refining” at the Atyrau Refinery.
While working in management positions, Kadisha Rayana has proven herself to be strong organizer and competent leader.
She was awarded the medal “KAZENERGY”, two thankfulness letters of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, honorary diploma of the Ministry of energy and mineral resources of Kazakhstan, honorary diploma of the Ministry of Oil and Gas of Kazakhstan.