Oil Refining
The oil refining raw materials, are concentrated on the following regions in Kazakhstan; Western Siberia, Far East, Southern, and the continental shelf of Kazakhstan.
ABS-МҰНАЙ, ТОО’s a private mini oil refinery in Kazakhstan with the highest-industry oil refining standard, and cutting-edge technologies on conversion, and reforming capabilities. Processing heavy crude oil and producing a variety of high-value petroleum products.
All refined petroleum products that are sold or marketed and supplied under the ABS-МҰНАЙ, ТОО registrations are of Kazakhstan GOST-K specifications and in full compliance with the Technical Regulation of Customs Union Commission dated TR CU 013/2011.
Oil refining and crude oil production
Crude oil – In ancient times people have extracted crude oil from the surface of earth and water, which was fairly in use after the 19th century, kerosene safety lamp was invented and the need for oil skyrocket. In this period the combustion engine was invented and the development of the automobile industry. The demand rapidly grew for gasoline products to provide the possibility of rapid transportation (by land, sea, and air).
Crude oil production in Kazakhstan was steadily growing since the early 2000’s and in recent years the growth has slowed down and in 2008 there was even a slight decline in growth. In 2010 oil production in Kazakhstan has over 500 million tons per year and this level has been rising ever since then.
In 2013 Kazakhstan produced 531.4 million tons of crude oil which were 1.3% higher than in 2012.
Kazakhstan is one of the largest participants of crude oil production in the global market and also the key supplier of Crude oil, Natural gas, and petroleum products for European markets and increases of oil supplies to North America and the Asia-Pacific region.
Oil and gas production is one of the most capital intensive industries: It requires expensive equipment and highly skilled labors. Once a company identifies where oil or gas is located, plans begin for drilling. Many oil and gas companies contract with specialized drilling firms and pay for the labor crew and rig dayrates. Drilling depths, rock hardness, weather conditions and distance of the site can all affect the drilling duration. Tracking data using smart technologies can help with drilling efficiency and well performance by providing real-time information and trends. While every drilling rig has the same essential components, the drilling methods vary depending on the type of oil or gas and the geology of the location
In onshore drilling facilities, the wells are grouped together in a field, ranging from a half acre per well for heavy crude oil to 80 acres per well for natural gas. The group of wells are connected by carbon steel tubes which sends the oil and gas to a production and processing facility where the oil and gas are treated through a chemical and heating process. Onshore production companies can turn on and off rigs more easily than offshore rigs to respond to market conditions.q